Orange Cyberdefense continues supporting Cyberworkplace’s mission in 2021

On the 9th of December 2020, Anouk Vos, Chair Cyberworkplace and Mark Jenster, CEO Orange Cyberdefense have signed another year of partnership! This comes as a continuation of the successful partnership in 2020.

Anouk Vos, Cyberworkplace & Mark Jenster, Orange Cyberdefense


Cyberworkplace guides young talent towards a cybersecurity career by teaching them to become ethical hackers. The organization is run by volunteers and currently has more than 100 people involved. Orange Cyberdefense was the first company to become a ‘Main sponsor’ of Cyberworkplace in 2019. By partnering up with Cyberworkplace, Orange Cyberdefense contributes to the development of these young talents who are much needed in the 21st-century labor market.
In 2020 Orange Cyberdefense has contributed to the Cyberworkplace’s curriculum by conducting a course on pen-testing and a number of guest lectures. Additionally, the organization has been able to offer a job opportunity to one of the Cyberworkplace participants who is now a proud member of their Red Team.

“Like everything else this year, our partnership with Orange was affected by Covid19. From one day to the next, we needed to establish our curriculum online, look for ways to offer our students work experience remotely and find alternatives for our social events. Nevertheless, with Orange, we managed to do that. Looking back, we have made a challenging cooperation a fruitful one. And since we are just getting started, we can surely say the best is yet to come,” says Anouk Vos founder of Cyberworkplace.

Future plans

It has only recently been confirmed that both parties are continuing the partnership, but many things have already been planned for the year 2021. Guest lectures and courses by the cybersecurity professionals at Orange Cyberdefense are coming as a great addition to the Cyberworkplace curriculum but also more internship possibilities at Orange Cyberdefense and many others.

“Our partnership with Cyberworkplace has proved to be very successful, and we are very pleased that we will continue the partnership in 2021. This collaboration works both ways: Orange Cyberdefense allows the young ethical hackers of the future to become part of our company by offering them internships and possibly a job to help organizations get even better insights in their security. But we also help Cyberworkplace with our expertise by offering courses led by our cybersecurity professionals,” says Mark Jenster General manager at Orange Cyberdefense.

Orange Cyberdefense

Orange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group. As Europe’s go-to security provider, they strive to protect freedom and build a safer digital society. They are threat research and intelligence-driven security provider offering unparalleled access to current and emerging threats.

Cyberworkplace has greatly paid off

Ex-student Jean-Pierre
Jean-Pierre, Former student & ambassador of Cyberworkplace

Please introduce yourself.

My name is Jean-Pierre or JP. I am from Limburg, the Netherlands, twenty years old. I have recently graduated from MBO “Application and media developer” at Vista College. My interests lie in the field of cybersecurity and more concrete in penetration testing. In my free time, I am enjoying gaming, cooking, and fitness.

When did you join Cyberworkplace? What was your motivation?

I joined Cyberworkplace (CWP) in May 2020, after reading an article where CWP has been mentioned. They were partnering with the Dutch police in the initiative “Gamechangers“, where kids and youngsters could learn and practice hacking.

What did you like about Cyberworkplace?

The encouragement and the payoff. I gave my full energy, and it greatly paid off! Cyberworkplace introduced me to a lot of industry people who I would not have had the possibility to meet on my own. They are great at what they do in their fields.

What have you learned at Cyberworkplace?

I learned many things, from bug hunting to python hacking and even networking! The learning never stops at Cyberworkplace.

What is your most favorite moment at Cyberworkplace?

The 42workspace‘s rooftop workshop, we had this summer. This Friday was extra special because this was the first physical meeting of the Cyberworkplace students since the start of the Corona crisis. This very same day I got introduced to Axians.

What are you currently up to?

I am working as a Security Engineer at Axians Netherlands. Cyberworkplace introduced me and helped me with getting this job.

Describe Cyberworkplace with three words.

Hack. Learn. Work.

Would you recommend Cyberworkplace to your friends?

I will definitely recommend CWP to anyone interested in security. I would say: “If you want to up your game and always have the edge over others in security, don’t hesitate to join CWP. You might even get a job!”

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Cyberworkplace is an excellent investment. They will return it with interest.

Studenten van Cyberworkplace en Techniek College Rotterdam bestrijden cybercrime

Na een succesvolle eerste pilot in 2019 start de Rotterdamse Cyberworkplace op 30 oktober opnieuw met het programma CSI-010: Digital Forensics. Het succes van CSI-010: Digital Forensics is niet onopgemerkt gebleven en het initiatief is genomineerd voor de Computable Awards 2020 in de categorie ‘Educatie & Training’. CSI-010 is een gratis cursus voor aankomende digitale rechercheurs om jongeren te helpen met het opsporen en voorkomen van cybercrime. Deze opleiding is in samenwerking met het Techniek College Rotterdam, het Rotterdamse bedrijfsleven en de politie georganiseerd. Twintig geselecteerde deelnemers krijgen 8 weken lang een voorproefje van het werk van een digitaal forensisch onderzoeker. Ze worden hierbij gesteund door gastdocenten uit het veld. De studenten leren de basisvaardigheden van digitaal forensisch onderzoek om online fraude, bedrijfsspionage, phishing of chantage te bestrijden.

“Vorig jaar heb ik met veel plezier lesgegeven aan een groep studenten van de Cyberworkplace en het Techniek College Rotterdam. We zijn bezig geweest met forensisch onderzoek aan computers, servers en netwerken. De workshops werden afgewisseld met lezingen van mensen uit het bedrijfsleven die dit werk ook in de praktijk gedaan hebben.
Het viel me op dat die afwisseling voor de studenten en ook voor mij ontzettend motiverend werkte. Dit jaar mag ik de workshops weer verzorgen, reken maar dat ik daar naar uit zie”, zegt Anjo Eijkers, docent Techniek College Rotterdam.

Eerste digitaal forensisch onderzoek opleiding in Nederland

Studenten van het Techniek College Rotterdam krijgen de kans om mee te doen aan deze cursus naast hun opleiding. Zo kunnen zij bepalen of een carrière in de digitale opsporing iets voor hen is. De school heeft hiermee een primeur doordat er nog helemaal geen opleidingen in digitaal forensisch onderzoek op -niveau in Nederland bestaat. Deze cursus is ook een mooie aanvulling op het Cyberworkplace-curriculum.


“Vorig jaar werden we overweldigd door het aantal aanvragen voor het proefproject. Dit bevestigt echt dat Digitaal Forensisch Onderzoek niet alleen een belangrijk, maar ook een spannend vakgebied is waar jonge talenten zich in willen verdiepen. Het hebben van een vervolg was voor ons dan ook een no-brainer” zegt Anouk vos, oprichter van stichting Cyberworkplace. Dit jaar was het weer raak en is er meer animo dan verwacht. Vanwege de lange wachtlijst overweegt het CSI-010 team een nieuwe cursus in het 2e kwartaal van het jaar te starten.

Tekort aan digitaal speurtalent

Volgens Steven Djohan, initiatiefnemer van CSI-010, en forensisch expert bij adviesbureau Revnext, is en blijft digitaal Forensisch Onderzoek ‘hot’. Omdat de digitale voetafdruk van mensen en organisaties blijft toenemen, leidt dit tot meer vraag naar cybersecurity en digitale forensische diensten. Er is nog steeds een groeiende behoefte aan digitale forensische en veiligheidsprofessionals. “CSI-010 liet zien dat digitale forensische vaardigheden relevant zijn voor alle soorten IT-professionals en studenten, of je nu studeert om systeembeheerder, web-app-ontwikkelaar of ethisch hacker/red teamer te worden.”
“Ik ben erg enthousiast om dit jaar de editie van CSI-010 te starten met een gastcollege samen met Anh Tran (een consultant bij Revnext) om te beginnen over de ethische, juridische en onderzoeksaspecten van forensische zaken.”, zegt Steven Djohan.


De Cyberworkplace is een non-profit, collegegeldvrij initiatief dat het tekort in cybersecurity-experts op de arbeidsmarkt verkleint door jongeren 21ste-eeuwse ICT-vaardigheden bij te brengen en relevante werkervaring op te doen. Het motto van de Cyberworkplace is: hack, leer, werk.

Cyberworkplace introduced me to fascinating people from outstanding organizations

Levi student at Cyberworkplace
Levi Schift, Former student & ambassador of Cyberworkplace

Please introduce yourself.

My name is Levi Schijf. I live in Goes, Zeeland, and I’m 26 years old. I’m passionate about cybersecurity, and I have a freelance business in operating cranes, and web and graphic design. My interests are shifting, from creative ones to more technical ones. This comes as a result of my curiosity to explore how things are working. In my little free time, I am busy learning new stuff, some kickboxing, and yoga.

When did you join Cyberworkplace? What was your motivation?

I joined Cyberworkplace in March 2019. I was looking for a place to share my interest in computers, privacy, and security with like-minded people. Diving into these topics has raised a lot of questions. And the need for getting answers was little by little increasing; that’s where Cyberworkplace came in.

What did you like about Cyberworkplace?

I like the peer-to-peer learning method that Cyberworkplace is encouraging. Thanks to other students’ help I got on the right level real quick. The lessons’ subjects were varying on a broad spectrum from binary exploitation to helping the Municipality of Rotterdam with an awareness campaign for the elderly people. I got introduced to fascinating people from outstanding organizations.

What have you learned at Cyberworkplace?

It’s a long list, but the things that attracted me the most and are useful in my everyday life are working with Linux, understanding computer networks, protecting myself and others online. But also building more secure websites and experimenting with the Android operating system and Raspberry pi. The most important lesson I learned is to help others to grow.

What is your most favorite moment at Cyberworkplace?

My favorite moment was the four-week course on “Networking Fundamentals” by Wouter van den Bergh, Axians. In this course, we set up and tested a virtual computer network.

What are you currently up to?

I was offered a technical traineeship by Axians, starting next year. As a preparation, I will work on getting my CCNA certificate and also the LPIC-1 certificate from the Linux Professional Institute. Until then, I will continue to grow my freelance business.

Describe Cyberworkplace with three words.

Creative, connecting & inclusive

Would you recommend Cyberworkplace to your friends?

Yes, definitely! But only if they can manage to stay motivated. Cyberworkplace can offer you lessons, experiences, contacts, and certificates, but the effort is up to you.
Join Cyberworkplace here.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

A big thank you to Cyberworkplace and the teachers!

Sign up for CSI-010: Digital Forensics

After the successful pilot in 2019 Cyberworkplace and Techniek College Rotterdam are launching a new edition of CSI-010: Digital Forensics on 30th October. This year’s edition is based on the successful model in 2019 and includes several new guest lectures and the opportunity to participate remotely.

What is CSI-010 Digital Forensics?

Training on digital forensics at an MBO level organized in collaboration between Cyberworkplace and Techniek College Rotterdam. In 8 weeks, 20 students will have hands-on lectures on the different aspects of digital forensics and learn how to detect and prevent cybercrime.

What does the course look like?

In eight lessons the participants will be introduced to the world of digital forensics. By practicing with real cases, presentations by experts from the field as guest lecturers, and relevant theory, participants will get a taste of what it means to work as a digital forensic investigator.

The workshops are taking place on Fridays. The course materials are in English.

What are the requirements to participate?

  • Basic skills in programming and ethical hacking is an advantage
  • Age limit: 16 – 25 years old
  • You are available to participate in the entire program. Lessons will be given on Friday between October 30, 2020, and January 8, 2021 (with the exception of the Christmas holidays between December 19, 2020, and January 3, 2021).
  • You have a laptop * (You don’t have a laptop but you still want to participate? Please contact Cyberworkplace for the possibilities.)
  • Furthermore, it is certainly the intention that you bring a lot of enthusiasm and interest!

How to join?

This project is only exclusive to students of Cyberworkplace and Techniek College Rotterdam. Register now and become a student of Cyberworkplace! Application deadline: 26 October 

More info about the project here.