Stichting Cyberworkplace leidt 55 Nederlandse en Oekraïense jongeren gratis op tot Cyberhelden

Stichting Cyberworkplace heeft vandaag een nieuw ambitieus lesprogramma gelanceerd om in de komende maanden maar liefst 55 Nederlandse en Oekraïense jongeren kosteloos op te leiden tot Cyberhelden.

Cyber Heroes 2023

In november 2022 startte Stichting Cyberworkplace voor het eerst met de ondersteuning van 20 jonge Oekraïense vluchtelingen die in Nederland hun toekomst willen opbouwen door ze te helpen hun cybersecurityvaardigheden en -talenten te vergroten.[1] De meerderheid van deze studenten is nog altijd actief in deze sector. Het succes van het ondersteuningsprogramma dat speciaal voor deze groep is ontwikkeld, heeft geleid tot een uitbreiding van de activiteiten. Vanaf 29 augustus zullen daarom 55 jongeren, afkomstig uit zowel Nederland als Oekraïne, deelnemen aan het programma, dat dit jaar twee keer zal worden uitgevoerd.

Het CyberHeroes 2023 programma leert studenten over cybercriminaliteit en, nog belangrijker, hoe zij zichzelf en anderen hier tegen kunnen wapenen. Denk hierbij aan het herkennen van phishing en het voorkomen van WhatsApp fraude.  Binnen het programma wordt samengewerkt met de Nederlandse Politie, Revnext, Cisco en andere toonaangevende partners in de Nederlandse beveiligingsindustrie. Naast de inzet van vrijwilligers heeft Stichting Competens hun financiële steun voor dit project toegezegd en is subsidie ontvangen van het Small Grant Program van de Amerikaanse Ambassade. “Met de voortdurende oorlog in Oekraïne blijft de toekomst voor veel jonge techtalenten in Nederland onzeker. Met het Cyberheroes programma hebben we de kans om verbinding te maken, hen te onderwijzen en te trainen en hen op te nemen in onze cybergemeenschap”, aldus Mira Golsteyn, voorzitter van Cyberworkplace. “Het opbouwen en versterken van beveiligingsallianties, zowel regionaal als trans-Atlantisch, zal cruciaal zijn voor onze toekomstige mogelijkheden om cybercriminaliteit te bestrijden en een veilige en beveiligde wereld te vestigen.”

“The need and importance of digital forensics has and will continue to further increase.”

Steven Djohan, Partner at Revnext and ‘CSI-010: Digital Forensics’ initiator 

Please introduce yourself. 

My name is Steven Djohan, currently partner at Revnext, a high-tech strategy consultancy firm. I have studied Business Administration at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam and have now been active for over 18 years as a consultant and project manager. I carry out independent evaluations for ministries, municipalities, and organization. As well, do the project management for around 40 ethical hackers who do security tests for a variety of organizations (from startup to NGO’s to education institutions from the Dutch government to multinationals).

Would you please introduce Revnext to our readers?

One of the domains, in which Revnext is active, is cybersecurity and forensics. We help public and private organizations with improving their digital security and posture. Important and responsible work for which there is a high demand out there. A lot of organizations are looking for talent to support them with this. At the same time, the required skills do not match the curriculum at universities, colleges, and schools. This is a societal challenge which we would like to tackle via our social return programs.

When was the partnership between Cyberworkplace and Revnext launched? 

Revnext was involved since the start of the Cyberworkplace in 2016. What started with a challenge to run a pilot program for a full week during the summer resulted in a successful non-profit organization running successful programs for those interested in the broad field of cybersecurity.

Can you please tell us more about the CSI-010: Digital Forensics course and your role in it?

In 2018, I together with my colleague at Revnext, Anh Tran, came up with what eventually is called the CSI-010: Digital Forensics program. In my work in the field of evaluation and forensics, the need and importance of digital forensics has and will continue to further increase. In addition to ‘traditional’ evaluation and forensic techniques, the need and ability to go efficiently and correctly through large digital libraries of documents and through data on computer devices (from mobile phones to laptops to cloud environments) increases the need for knowledge of digital forensics. It also highlighted another side in the field of cybersecurity which– back then – attracted more focus and interests from students in ethical hacking.

When conceiving CSI-010, we looked to create a unique curriculum with not only the Cyberworkplace, but also schools and other companies. After talks with the Techniek College Rotterdam, we found a great partner to work with. In the first year of CSI-010: Digital Forensics, we heard from students that they never had many guest lectures from the field. “You can’t be what you can’t see” is a saying. This applies to the field of cybersecurity and digital forensics as well; role models are needed. We not only offer knowledge, but also a career perspective.

For the curriculum of CSI-010 we gathered guest lecturers and partners from law enforcement such as the Police. A good mix of experts who can give more insight in the broad field of forensics. CSI-010 doesn’t only offer a glimpse of the possibilities of digital forensics, but allows students to get hands-on experience with actual cases and forensic techniques.

It is great to see that CSI-010 is well received by students and partners (an average of an 8.5 rating by students in 2022). The program might be free for students, but not without obligations. Students have to apply and to invest time and effort during the lessons, as do the teachers and guest lecturers. That is quite special and also means that we continue to do our best to create something special (e.g., new guest lecturers, new hands on challenges during lessons, etc.)

Digital Forensics is not only a skill for the future, but is already extremely important today. We will continue this program until we are no longer needed (and when it is included in the standard teaching curriculum).

What do you like the most about Cyberworkplace?

The Cyberworkplace gives those interested in the field of cybersecurity a place to learn more about it. It’s great to hear about students who dropped out of school are motivated by the Cyberworkplace to return to school. They help them understand the importance of a good education if you want to succeed as a cybersecurity specialist, IT specialist or any other field you like.

Describe Cyberworkplace in three words.

Motivating, fun and ‘getting things done’ mentality.

How do you see this partnership in the future?

CSI-010: Digital Forensics was realized as a partnership between business (Revnext), education (Techniek College Rotterdam) and non-profit (Cyberworkplace). With now also law enforcement and government as a partner to the CSI-010 program, it is a successful and unique example of a partnership. I hope we can continue and build further on this partnership. 

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Cyberworkplace and Security Blue Team organize a training in support of Ukrainian refugees

On March 21st, Cyberworkplace in collaboration with Security Blue Team and Wouter van den Bergh will launch the Blue Team Level 1 training. This course is designed to train technical defenders that are capable of defending networks and responding to cyber incidents. Our initiative aims to help young Ukrainian refugees kick-start their careers in cyber security.

During the five-week course, a group of ten Cyberworkplace students will gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience. Participants will get access to the BTL1 course materials and attend a series of workshops by Wouter. The course is structured so that students can learn at their own pace. 

Students will be introduced to security fundamentals, network security, digital forensics and much more. Below are some examples of the skills and experience they will gain:

  • Analysing and responding to phishing attacks
  • Performing forensics investigations to collect and analyse digital evidence
  • Using a SIEM platform to investigate malicious activity
  • Log and network traffic analysis, including malware infections
  • Conducting threat actor research

Equipped with new knowledge and skills, our students will be able to pass the practical exam and receive the official Junior Security Operations Certification.

We appreciate the contribution of Wouter van den Bergh and Security Blue Team. Their expertise and dedication have made this course possible, and we are confident that it will be a valuable learning experience for all participants.

We are very excited to work together and look forward to future successful cooperation.

Cyberworkplace provided me with a solid foundation in the cybersecurity field and helped me gain a clearer understanding of the career opportunities

Matei Runcanu, Former student & ambassador of Cyberworkplace

Please introduce yourself.

I am Matei, a 21-year-old originally from Romania, currently living in The Hague. I am pursuing my bachelor’s degree in safety and security management at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. In terms of cybersecurity, I enjoy learning and practicing new skills in the area of ethical hacking, but also social engineering. Outside of my studies, I like to keep myself physically active through bouldering and other sports, but also to cook and spend time with friends.

When did you join Cyberworkplace? 

I joined Cyberworkplace in October 2021. I’ve always been interested in computers and from a young age was determined to understand how they worked. As my skills progressed, I was able to start coding and create my first applications, eventually discovering the captivating world of cybersecurity. As my current university study did not provide the technical aspect of cybersecurity, I was looking for a place where I could pursue my interests and learn from professionals in the field. Cyberworkplace presented a fantastic opportunity to achieve my objectives.

What did you like about Cyberworkplace? 

One of the things I really appreciated about Cyberworkplace was the sense of community among like-minded individuals. A place where we had the opportunity to learn valuable skills from industry professionals through live demonstrations and interactive workshops that encouraged participation and understanding of the concepts being discussed. I also found the flexibility of the program appealing, as there were two main ways to learn new skills in cybersecurity: weekly workshops and individual courses that could be completed at your own pace, regardless of your level. The fact that certificates were awarded upon completion of each course was especially helpful for someone like me who was just starting out in the field. Furthermore, I found the Cyberworkplace staff to be extremely supportive, even assisting with the internship search by providing their expertise and access to a large pool of partners who offered internships to students that were interested. 

What have you learned at Cyberworkplace?

During my time at Cyberworkplace I had the opportunity to learn new technical skills in areas such as coding, basics of networking, ethical hacking but also social engineering which focused more on the individual and psychological aspect of cybersecurity. Overall, Cyberworkplace provided me with a solid foundation in the cybersecurity field and helped me gain a clearer understanding of the career opportunities available in this industry.

What is your most favorite moment at Cyberworkplace? 

My favorite moment at Cyberworkplace was being able to lead a workshop on OSINT and phishing. I had the opportunity to share my knowledge and expertise with my fellow students, shifting from the role of a learner to that of a presenter.

What are you currently up to?

Currently, I am finishing my bachelors degree at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, but also working part-time as a junior consultant for a cyber consultancy company known as Revnext. Here I create teachings in the area of cybersecurity, but also shadow ongoing pentests in order to improve my skills and eventually become a pen-tester.

Describe Cyberworkplace with three words.

Innovative, collaborative, empowering.

Would you recommend Cyberworkplace to your friends and acquaintances? 

I would and have recommended Cyberworkplace to friends and fellow students from university. I would tell them that it is the perfect environment for anyone interested and passionate about cybersecurity.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

If you are reading this article and are contemplating joining Cyberworkplace, I would highly encourage you to do so. You never know, it might be the beginning of your career in cybersecurity! Apart from that, I would like to thank everyone that is making Cyberworkplace run as smoothly as it is and to all the guest lecturers that took time to present to us!

Check the requirements and join Cyberworkplace here.

CSI-010: Digital Forensics 2023

Cyberworkplace, Revnext and Techniek College Rotterdam are excited to announce the launch of the fifth edition of the CSI-010: Digital Forensics course on March 24, 2023. This year’s edition is organized in collaboration with Seaport Police, Public Prosecution Office Rotterdam (OM), NFIR, Radically Open Security and DIGIT-Police.

What is CSI-010 Digital Forensics?

CSI-010 Digital Forensics is a digital forensics course at an MBO level organized in collaboration between Cyberworkplace, Techniek College Rotterdam, and Revnext. In 8 weeks, 25 students will have hands-on lectures on digital forensics’ different aspects and learn how to detect and prevent cybercrime. After successful completion of the course, the participants will receive a certificate.

What does the course look like?

In eight lessons, the participants will be introduced to the world of digital forensics. By practicing with real cases, presentations by experts from the field as guest lecturers, and relevant theory, participants will get a taste of working as a digital forensic investigator. The course focuses on the following topics: introduction to the ethical and legal framework of digital forensics, local incident response, network forensics and webserver analysis.

How to join?

Participation in this course is limited to students of Cyberworkplace and Techniek College Rotterdam only. Register now and become a student of Cyberworkplace!

More info about the course here.