Cyberworkplace goes to Computable Awards 2020

Cyberworkplace is proud to be nominated for the Computable Awards 2020 in the “Education and Training” category for the project CSI-010: Digital Forensics. This is the first nomination for Cyberworkplace. 

Computable gives awards for the most important ICT developments in The Netherlands. The Computable Awards will be held for the fifteenth time in a row on Tuesday, October 24th. This year the awards are held in the new corona-proof concept at Scala of Jaarbeurs, Utrecht. There are 20 categories such as IaaS & PaaS, Security & Digital Forensics, Tech Startup, and Digital Innovation. The public vote and jury judgment determine who will win.

About CSI-010: Digital Forensics course

Cyberworkplace and Techniek College Rotterdam organized in May 2019  the first-ever training on digital forensics at an MBO level: CSI-010: Digital Forensics. In 8 weeks, 20 students had hands-on lectures on the different aspects of digital forensics and learned how to detect and prevent cybercrime.

Cyberworkplace is an off-beat initiative that is committed to reduce the cybersecurity talent gap and promote cybersecurity awareness. We provide free training and coaching to tech-savvy youngsters who lack practical experience in their study programs. 

Cyberworkplace is extremely honored to receive this nomination and great recognition. We will continue the hard work that we are putting every day into achieving our goals. 

Do you like what we stand for? Help us by giving your vote for the Computable awards 2020 before November 1st.

Cast your vote here

Cyberworkplace welcomes a new intern

We are happy to welcome our new intern, Envy Cheung! Envy studies International Business Management at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. She is 23 and her hobbies are exploring new countries and cuisines. Envy also likes to do bouldering in her free time. She wants to gain knowledge about cybersecurity while working in the marketing department. She will assist our marketing team by optimizing our social media and updating our marketing strategy.

Envy Cheung, Cyberworkplace intern

We will make sure she learns a lot and gain valuable skills. Welcome to Cyberworkplace, we are glad to have you here!

Feel free to contact her.

Axians steunt stichting Cyberworkplace door jongeren op te leiden tot cybersecurityspecialist of ethische hacker

Rotterdam, 29 juni 2020 – Jongeren leren om ethisch te hacken en werkervaring op te doen. Deze missie van stichting Cyberworkplace is de specialisten van Axians uit het hart gegrepen. De twee organisaties slaan daarom de handen ineen in een unieke en vooruitstrevende samenwerking. Op 26 juni ondertekenden Niels Everstijn, Busines Unit Manager van Axians en Anouk Vos, voorzitter van de Cyberworkplace, een sponsorovereenkomst. Non-profit organisatie Cyberworkplace leidt jongeren kosteloos op tot securityspecialisten en ethische hackers. Axians steunt deze missie en helpt daarnaast mee door gastdocenten en stageplaatsen aan te bieden.

Anouk Vos, voorzitter van de Cyberworkplace en Niels Everstijn, Busines Unit Manager van Axians.

De kick-off van de samenwerking vond plaats in Rotterdam, op het dak van de Cyberworkplace, met pizza en energiedrankjes. Extra bijzonder, omdat dit de eerste fysieke bijeenkomst van de Cyberworkplace studenten was sinds het begin van de Coronacrisis. Na wekenlange online workshops mocht op veilige afstand van elkaar getoast worden. Met wat kunst- en vliegwerk werd daarnaast ook een programmeerles op het dak gegeven.

Cyberworkplace studenten

Meer aandacht voor cybersecurity in het onderwijs

Stichting Cyberworkplace is een bijzondere organisatie in het security landschap. De organisatie is ontstaan door frustratie over het gebrek aan aandacht voor cybersecurity in het onderwijs, over de maar niet vervulde vacatures voor securityspecialisten en het gebrek aan begeleiding voor jong hacktalent. Bij Cyberworkplace volgen jongeren lessen in ethisch hacken en krijgen ze daarnaast de kans op een stageplaats of baan in de cybersecurity sector. Hierbij is hun leeftijd of vooropleiding niet relevant. De Cyberworkplace wordt gerund door vrijwilligers zowel in het bestuur als in de docenten/begeleiderspool. Met het nieuwe partnerschap helpt Axians de stichting om ook in de toekomst jongeren te inspireren en te begeleiden.

”Wij zijn ontzettend blij met het partnerschap met Axians en kijken er naar uit om gezamenlijk mooie activiteiten neer te zetten” aldus Anouk Vos.

Oplossing voor schaarste op de arbeidsmarkt

De samenwerking met Stichting Cyberworkplace biedt Axians de mogelijkheid om verbinding te zoeken met de regio, doordat onze securityspecialisten helpen jongeren in de regio Rotterdam op te leiden.

“Dat we nu betrokken zijn bij de verdere ontwikkeling van jongeren die een passie hebben voor het vak is geweldig, zegt Niels Everstijn. We kunnen jong talent verder helpen in hun loopbaan en daar zijn organisaties straks enorm bij gebaat. Cyber professionals zijn schaars en we hopen die schaarste op de arbeidsmarkt straks op te kunnen vullen met deze enthousiaste jonge professionals.”

Over Cyberworkplace

De Cyberworkplace is een non-profit, collegegeld-vrij initiatief dat het tekort in cybersecurity-expertise op de arbeidsmarkt verkleint door Rotterdamse jongeren 21e-eeuwse ICT-vaardigheden bij te brengen en relevante werkervaring op te laten doen. Het motto van de Cyberworkplace is: hack je gek en verdien een werkplek.’

Voor meer informatie, kijk op

Over Axians

Axians is het merk van VINCI Energies voor ICT-oplossingen en -diensten. Het ondersteunt haar klanten – private bedrijven, publieke organisaties, overheidsinstanties, operators en service providers – met ontwikkelingen op het gebied van infrastructuren en digitale oplossingen.

Daarvoor biedt Axians een breed portfolio aan ICT-oplossingen en services: business applications en data analytics, enterprise networks en digitale werkplekken, datacenter en cloud services, telecommunicatie-infrastructuur en cybersecurity.

Het Axians team van professionals op het gebied van consultancy, design, integration en services ontwikkelt deze oplossingen om van technologie in elke organisatie de drijvende kracht achter digitale transformatie te maken.

Axians is een merk van VINCI Energies.

In 2019 realiseerde Axians met 11.000 medewerkers een omzet van €2.5 miljard, verspreid over 23 landen.

Voor meer informatie, kijk op

Cyberworkplace honored on by the U.S. Department of state

What do Margaret Thatcher, Jacinda Ardern, and Giovanni Falcone have in common with the Cyberworkplace? Well, the U.S. Department of State considers the activities of our chair, Anouk Vos, just like theirs, one of the most successful cooperations with the USA, one of the 80 ‘Faces of Exchange’, an initiative of the U.S. Department of State.

The ‘Faces of Exchange’ initiative is highlighting 80 years of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) by showcasing 80 accomplished alumni, their lives and leadership, and the impact of their exchanges on the global community.


We are extremely grateful and happy to have our CyberHeroes project with our U.S. partner Cultivating Coders being highlighted on this international stage. This recognition is extraordinary and a great push towards future trailblazing activities.

We want to express our gratitude to the U.S. Embassy in The Netherlands, our board, our staff, our volunteers, and all our (Inter)national friends.

You can see all the 80 accomplished alumni here.

Cyberworkplace: The art of sharing & receiving knowledge.

Owen Vogelaar, Former student & ambassador of Cyberworkplace

Please introduce yourself.

My name is Owen, I’m 20 years old, and I’m from Rotterdam. In my spare time, I like to hang out with some friends or learn new things, and I am really passionate about computers.

When did you join Cyberworkplace? What was your motivation?

I joined Cyberworkplace in October 2018 and was present almost every week. In February 2020, I completed the program successfully and I got awarded the ambassador’s status.

What did you like about Cyberworkplace?

The thing I liked the most was that you are able to help others with your knowledge but also be blown away by their knowledge. Just the combination of obtaining knowledge and helping other people gain knowledge.

What have you learned at Cyberworkplace?

There are a lot of things I’ve learned at Cyberworkplace, so there is not just one thing I can name. I’ve learned about blockchains, operations within companies, basics about Linux, networking, tools (mainly ‘hacking’ tools) and this list goes on and on.

What is your most favorite moment at Cyberworkplace?

My favorite moment was when we went to Friesland with the students of Cultivating Coders and actually the whole CyberHeroes project. There was a program every day and it was just a week full of learning and a lot of fun.

What are you currently up to?

Currently, I am working at Proxy in the Managed Services Team as a Junior Engineer. Also, I am working on acquiring my RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) after I obtained my RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) certificate about half a year ago. Besides, I’m busy obtaining my degree in ‘Applicatie- en mediaontwikkelaar’.

Describe Cyberworkplace with three words.

Learning. Sharing. Fun.

Would you recommend Cyberworkplace to your friends?

In the past, I’ve already recommended Cyberworkplace to some friends and I would definatelly do the same in the future. Cyberworkplace offers free knowledge which is actually really useful and it can help you get a job.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

I would again like to thank everybody at the Cyberworkplace as they have helped me in so many different ways. It was a pleasure being a student there and I hope to give in return and share my experience with the new students. Thanks!

Want to join Cyberworkplace? Read more here.